CHRISTMAS a single word, a simple word yet so Magical .

Once in a year, Christmas Season Festivity, celebrated across the globe and no exemption here in the Middle East, where the fact it is a Islam country, but HOOOO , the Magic and Spirit of Christmas can not be stop and be celebrated to this beautiful land, too.

United Arab of Emirates , a well diverse country, wide open accept and embrace the festivity with Love and Compassion. As the moment ,the festivity came around the corner, the entire country open their doors to celebrate every single day, where the government and private sector hand in hand to show the Spirit of Christmas to everyone and been practised for a long time now.

Each year, every Emirates have their own programs. DUBAI, as a Metropolitan of the country, always brings a spectacular and full packed line up of Activities and Entertainment.

HOME were filled up the Spirit of Christmas Festivity

From Christmas Tree Lightning, to Authentic Christmas Dining, to pop up night markets, food trucks, shopping festivals, to winter wonderland and stage production. Come and witness an awe-inspiring fireworks and 3D drones display around the city. A dazzling Christmas Decoration filled in every corner of the region.

Two days from today, Every corner of the world and every home, near or far, will celebrate the CHRISTMAS Festivity and Let us not forget the true meaning of Christmas.

AG ASSETS Family Wishing you all “To a joyful present and a well-remembered past! We raise a glass to you this Christmas all the way from our Home To Yours . Best wishes for A Very Merry Christmas and a Magnificent New Year.

photo credited to the rightful owner